
Book restoration

    Restoration of books is the return of an old and battered book to its original form. Books, especially those that have been in use for a very long time, as well as children's literature and classics from the time of the Soviet Union, are the ones that are restored most often. As a rule, the reason for this is the low quality of the materials that were used for their manufacture, as well as the frequency of use of the publication.

    If your favorite book, which you still need, but you don’t have the means to publish it, has been damaged, you can bring it to us for restoration. Our experts will fix such problems as:

     - Torn and outlined pages;

     - A book block that has fallen into separate sheets;

     - Restoring the cover or its complete replacement, etc.

    A frequent problem in books that have "lived" for many years is the loss of individual pages due to the fastening of notebooks with iron clips, which eventually rusted, lost their properties and began to break. In this case, we bond the book block in other, newer ways that guarantee its long-term use. Thanks to this, you can no longer be afraid that certain pages in the book will fall out at the time of reading.

    Gaps or holes in the sheets are eliminated by the method of building paper, which is the best option in case of small but noticeable damage. In addition, children's drawings from books are eliminated, and the torn and worn out cover is restored. And in case of serious damage, we will replace it with a new one, from which the book will take on a fresh look.

    Restoration is the process that will breathe new life into an old, seemingly unusable book. Thanks to our experts, you can always enjoy your favorite publication, no matter how old it is!

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