The big story of art in 16 volumes

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The big story of art in 16 volumes. Gift books bound in leather.



For the first time in Russia a unique book project - "the Big history of art" in 16 volumes! The most complete Library of art history in one set! Each volume is printed on coated paper of 135 grams; hardcover, Setalux silk; embossed with gold foil on the front side and on the spine; Prikladnaya illustration on the cover.

When you purchase this Assembly eliminates the necessity to prepare such a library, to buy a separate publication to check the accuracy and quality of your texts. All texts are carefully selected and verified by experts, commentaries written by leading Italian art critics, art historians, professors of the University of Florence. Popular, affordable supply of material in maximum to the amount of information turns Library book in a unique collection that has no analogues in the domestic book market. Great story of the Art allows anyone to learn to "read" the paintings of masters, and without resorting to professional assistance, i.e. independently master the skills of reading the story, picture composition and analyze the works - to become a real expert and freely navigate in the chosen topic.
Big History of Art is a rare opportunity to simultaneously gather all the necessary information for the study of the history of art from various epochs and countries. Thus, this meeting is of great value to students of specialized universities, for future art historians, culture experts and designers. Library books are distinguished by unusually rich illustrative material.
A big History of Art is a true gift, a valuable and desirable, including himself. This ornament to any home library, which can be inherited from generation to generation.

The book is addressed to everyone who is interested in art.



Book 1

Ancient Egypt

This book opens Library "the Big history of art" and dedicated to the Egyptian civilization that existed 3,500 years and has known periods of tremendous prosperity. In Egypt was born of monumental architecture it was associated with the cult of the dead pharaohs. The reader learns about how it was created, a huge architectural complex that includes the pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and mykerinos and the mysterious Sphinx statue. About the paintings on the walls of tombs in the Valley of the Kings, some of which have survived to the present day. Especially interesting to learn about the most brilliant period of Egyptian art - the era of the New Kingdom when he ascended the temples of Karnak and Luxor, were carved in the rock colossi of Ramses II and Abu Simbel, created amazing works of decorative-applied art.


Book 2

Ancient Greece

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" tells the story of a civilization that arose on the Islands of the Aegean sea over three thousand years before Christ. There are works of art that will constantly appeal to artists of all ages as inaccessible patterns of harmony and beauty. The Greeks developed the structure of the temple, architectural order, built the theatres, created the splendid statues of marble and bronze. Special attention is paid to the classical era when did Phidias, Polyclitus, Myron and was built the famous Parthenon. The Hellenistic period is represented by the sculptural works of Praxiteles and of Lysippus, Nike of Samothrace, the Laocoon, the Pergamon altar.


Book 3

Ancient Rome

The book, part Library "a Great history of art", introduces the monuments of the Roman era, which now, centuries later, the impression. The reader learns how, borrowing a model from the Greeks and Etruscans, the Romans adapted them to their needs, first and foremost utilitarian. Roman roads, aqueducts, triumphal arches and commemorative columns, murals of the catacombs and the mosaics in the churches - everything was just created once to highlight the greatness of Rome. Especially brightly it was noticeable in the age of Empire: the rose the imposing palaces, beautiful villas, huge buildings term. Wall paintings that survived in Pompeii, portraits found in the Fayum oasis; a huge number of statues, bas-reliefs, the Pantheon and the Colosseum come alive on the pages of the book are in excellent illustrations help you to understand a distant civilization and its contribution to the overall development of culture.


Book 4

The middle ages

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" talks about the history of the feudal era. The reader acquainted with the famous basilicas and mosaics of Rome, Ravenna, Byzantium. The authors will talk about how to replace the sparkling gold of the world comes, the barbarians with much more simple and austere art. Later European culture again revive in the era of Charlemagne, and the growing power of the monastic orders. But in the thousandth year will begin flourishing construction of cathedrals. It was at this time appear cathedrals in Durham, Leone Modena, the famous complex in Pisa, San Marco in Venice and Florence baptistry.


Book 5


The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" introduces artistic style born in the middle of the XII century in France and raspostranyatsya in Western, Central and partly Eastern Europe. Paris Notre Dame and the Sainte Chapelle, the magnificent cathedrals of England, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria come to life on the pages of the book in stunning illustrations. No less beautiful decorating famous cathedrals, frescoes and sculptures, interesting story about their makers: Giotto, Duccio, Simone Martini, Giovanni Pisano, Arnolfo di Cambio, many other painters and sculptors. The art of Gothic architecture appears here as a reflection of the refined courtly culture developed in the world castles, palaces, precious fabrics, jewelry, manuscripts with exquisite miniatures.


Book 6

XV century

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" is dedicated to one of the brightest periods in the history of culture. If XV century began with the predominance of the Gothic style, it ended in a completely novel product - a masterpiece of Michelangelo's Pieta. During this period tremendous changes have taken place: the interest in antiquity led to the discovery of new values and new forms. Brunelleschi builds the dome of Florence Cathedral, Donatello casts of statues of Roman samples, Alberti develops the theory of perspective, Masaccio applied it in practice. In Flanders create their masterpieces of Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden, Italy - Piero della Francesca, Mantegna, Bellini. In Florence when Lorenzo the Magnificent work of Botticelli and Ghirlandaio, shaped by the talent of Leonardo and Michelangelo. All this comes alive in the excellent illustrations that complement the author's story.


Book 7

XVI century

The book is dedicated to a century of prosperity and crisis art. Leonardo wrote Mona Lisa, Bramante begins construction of St. Peter's Cathedral, Michelangelo works on the tomb of Julius II and the Sistine chapel, Raphael painting Vatican stanzas. By 1520 the High Renaissance reached its highest point and a crisis occurs. Painting is becoming more and more pretentious, turns into a glider, which affects not only Italy, but also in Fontainebleau France, and Spain in the Escorial. The Church at the Council of Trent dictated artists iron rule, which nearly all adhere to the end of the century. It all comes to life in an exciting authentic story and excellent illustrations.


Book 8

XVII century

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" deals with a very bright period of development of European culture. XVII century is associated with the names of Caravaggio and Poussin, Rembrandt and Vermeer. And yet it is called the century of the Baroque, outstanding representatives of which were Rubens and van Dyck, Luca Giordano and Pietro da Cortona. Bernini transformed Rome into a magnificent theatrical stage, near Paris, was built the Palace of Versailles, in London - St Paul's Cathedral. In Spain it is called the Golden age, it was then created their masterpieces by El Greco, Velazquez and Zurbaran.


Book 9

XVIII century

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" deals with a very bright era in the development of world culture: aristocratic Academy and the storm of the French revolution, the glitter of court life and the rigor of philosophical thought of the Enlightenment, the emergence of modern archaeology and the emergence of the first museums... In the beginning of the century was dominated by late Baroque, created his famous frescoes by Tiepolo. Vedute, accurately depicting the image of Europe, famous Canaletto, Bellotto, Guardi. In Saint-Petersburg was built the Winter Palace, in Berlin - Sanssouci, in Vienna - schönbrunn, Madrid - the Royal Palace. In France, the Rococo style was born, there was a gallant scenes by Watteau, frivolous compositions of Boucher and Fragonard. In England blossomed portrait genre, did Reynolds and Gainsborough. Later, there was the emergence of Neoclassicism. Illustrating the text, the excellent reproductions make the book interesting to all who are not indifferent to art.


Book 10

XIX century. Book 1

The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" devoted to the first half of the century, rich in historical and artistic events. First, the triumph of Napoleon and the associated Empire style, which became famous David. Later, Friedrich in Germany, Turner in England, géricault and Delacroix in France, introduced to Europe from the new - romantic attitude. Spain has blossomed talent of Goya. The beauty of nature reflected in his paintings Corot, the lives of ordinary people - mill. About the renewal of the art began in England the pre-Raphaelites. And in France created their neoklassitsisticheskoy masterpieces of Ingres. It all comes alive in a superb and entertaining illustrations, the author's narrative.


Book 11

XIX century. Book 2

The book, part Library "a Great history of art", introducing the artistic trends of the second half of the century. After the invention of photography artists was not the exact reflection of reality. The Impressionists suggested painting color. The works of Cezanne became a forerunner of the main pictorial trends of the XX century the interpretation of reality offered - each in its own way - Toulouse-Lautrec, van Gogh, Gauguin. In this time did Gustav Klimt, Valentin Serov, sculptors Auguste Rodin and Medardo Rosso. Appeared in Paris the Eiffel tower, in new York's first skyscrapers. In Europe have declared themselves the refined art Nouveau style (Jugendstil). The story about all that accompany the excellent illustrations.


Book 12

XX century. Book 1

In a regular book Library, "a Big history of art" explains how the changed role of the artist in the twentieth century: is the reflection of reality, he now offers her the exposure and the ridicule, actively provokes the viewer. The author talks about the different groups of artists, who proclaimed the break from the past: the French fauves, the German expressionists, the Italian and Russian futurists, about the birth of cubism, Dadaism, metaphysical painting, and finally abstractionism and surrealism. Special attention is given to Picasso as the founder of modern art. The narrative covers the period from the beginning of the century until the Second world war and ends with the analysis of the works of proclaiming the "return to order".


Book 13

XX century. Book 2

After the Second world war, the feeling of emptiness and mistrust to the world finds expression in informal art. Burnt plastic Burri, "cuts" Fountains, tragic materiality of painting Tapies and gestuality har-Tung, "drip" technique of Jackson Pollock are examples of informal art. The bitterness of life and the experience of art as obsession reflected in the works of Francis bacon and Lucian Freud. Artists invent a happening and performance, use their own body in body art. Consumer goods, scrap iron and garbage - all of it is used as material for assemblages, or gets new life as art objects. Andy Warhol is an artist-a symbol of pop art. Roy Lichtenstein draws inspiration from the comics, Tom Wesselmann gives art value posters. The visual exuberance of pop art evokes the reaction of "contradiction" -there is a minimalism. The most innovative concept this time: the art of the idea (Kossuth) and art as an ethical action (Boyce). In the last decades of the XX century appear new forms of art - land art Richard long and graffitist Keith Haring, "poor art", Michelangelo Pistoletto and video art bill viola.


Book 14


The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" dedicated to the land of the rising sun, mysterious and unique culture which throughout its history has absorbed and transformed cultural influences from different countries. In excellent illustrations and original text in the book come to life painting and calligraphy, decorative art and architecture of Japan. The story of the Buddhist temples and tea ceremony, the masks of Noh and the features of Japanese houses, miniature gardens, and a kimono will help to get acquainted with the culture of this ancient country, which today is of great interest worldwide.


Book 15


The next book in the Library "the Big history of art" dedicated to the art of the country, the ancient monuments which date back to the 3rd Millennium BC, the Reader learns about the history of China, its rulers, the most important religious and philosophical doctrines - Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism - have a significant impact on the entire culture of the country. The author talks about the monumental architectural complexes, rocky monasteries, temple wall paintings, the famous terraktov army. As well as the manufacturing of porcelain and silk painting products, calligraphy, the appearance of easel painting, the landscape as the reflection of the boundless world.


Book 16

The country of Islam

In a regular book Library, "a Big history of art" considered in detail a long and varied story of Islamic art - religious and secular - throughout the vast territory of its distribution. A Grand mosque with a massive dome, cutting through the sky-high minarets, madrasas with walls covered with fancy Arabic script, is the most visible expression of this art. But there are still exquisite miniatures, expressive ornaments, colorful mosaics. There are secular luxury and splendor of the courts of the Muslim rulers, lightness and slimness of the palaces of Granada or patios of Cordoba. It all comes to life on the pages of the book in the magnificent illustrations and the author's interesting story.


Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


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