Johann Droysen-The History of Hellenism in 3 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

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Johann Droysen-The History of Hellenism in 3 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

Droysen's "History of Hellenism" is the first and still the only fundamental work that opened for the reader that relatively late period of ancient history (from the rise of Macedonia under Kings Philip and Alexander to the intervention of Rome in Greek affairs), about which almost little was known before and in which they saw only a chaotic accumulation of wars, dynamic strife and political upheavals. Droysen was able to see a more general, world-historical significance of the epoch of ancient history he was considering. It was he who gave this epoch a succinct definition of Hellenism, by which, at the first approximation, he understood "the spread of Greek domination and education among the old cultural peoples (of the East)". However, in a broader historical perspective, the content of Hellenism was understood by him as a complex interaction and connection of the Western and eastern worlds, cultures and religions, in short, as a synthesis of Hellenic, eastern principles, the result of which was to be the emergence of a new world religion and culture — Christianity. Droysen presented the history of Hellenism mainly in its political form; the review of the Hellenistic time was brought only to 220 BC — before the beginning of active intervention in the affairs of the Greeks by the Roman power; the entire subsequent history of Hellenism (up to the submission of the last Hellenistic state — Ptolemaic Egypt by the Romans in 30 BC) remained beyond his attention. But even what was done is striking in its scale, and as far as the political history of early and mature Hellenism is concerned, Droysen's work still has no equal in terms of both the volume and the thoroughness of the reconstruction presented.


Book 1. The History of Alexander the Great.

The first volume is devoted to the formation of the Macedonian state, the campaigns of the King of Macedonia Philip, and most importantly - the exploits of his great son-Alexander. After the death of Alexander, his empire collapsed, and his generals (diadochi) fought among themselves in the hope of occupying the empty throne. You will see pictures of bloody battles, conspiracies, murders... But this was only the beginning of the epic struggle for the redistribution of the world, which lasted for more than a hundred years! The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the history of the Ancient World, as well as for a wide range of readers.

Book 2. The History of the Diadochs.

The second volume continues the story about the history of the struggle of the generals of Alexander the Great for the right to be called his heir. The tragic fate of the inflexible Eumenes, the grandiose sieges of Demetrius, the campaigns of Ptolemy, Antigonus and Seleucus. This is the era of great battles on land and at sea: the roar of war elephants, the measured step of the formidable phalanxes of infantry, the earth-shaking roar of the hooves of heavy cavalry, the crack of battleships grappling with rams...

Book 3. The history of the Epigones.

Alexander's contemporaries were replaced by their children and grandchildren, who were called "epigones", but the struggle continued for many, many years. However, other times were coming - a new participant intervened in the matter - a young, fast-moving Rome. The talented pen of I. G. Droysen will replace the time machine of G. Wells for the reader and will allow you to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of events that shook the world more than two thousand years ago!

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