John Maynard Keynes. General theory of employment, interest, and money (in 2 volumes). Gift books bound in leather

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John Maynard Keynes. General theory of employment, interest, and money (in 2 volumes). Gift books bound in leather

John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes CB — English economist, founder of the Keynesian trend in Economics, whose ideas (Keynesianism) had a huge impact on modern economic and political theory.

The General theory of employment, interest, and money, 1936 , is the last and most important book by the English economist John Maynard Keynes . He made a profound shift in economic thought, giving macroeconomics a Central place in economic theory and making a significant contribution to its terminology - the " Keynesian revolution ". This had equally powerful implications for economic policy, being interpreted as providing theoretical support for government spending in General and budget deficits, monetary intervention, and counter-cyclical policies in particular. There is an atmosphere of distrust of the rationality of decision-making in the free market.

Keynes denied that the economy would automatically adapt to full employment even in equilibrium, and believed that the volatile and unmanageable psychology of markets would lead to periodic booms and crises. The General theory is a slow-motion attack on the "classical" Orthodoxy of its time. He introduced the concepts of the consumption function, the principle of effective demand and liquidity preference, and gave new meaning to the multiplier and marginal efficiency of capital.

Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


The quality and the color, design, embossing, flyleaf, and a shotgun you can choose and book individually!

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