John Perkins - "Confessions of an Economic Killer" and "The New Confessions of an Economic Killer". Gift books bound in leather

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John Perkins - "Confessions of an Economic Killer" and "The New Confessions of an Economic Killer". Gift books bound in leather

Confessions of an Economic Killer - is the world's first autobiographical account of the life, training, and working methods of a special top-secret group of "economic killers", top-level professionals who are called to work with the highest political and economic leaders of the countries of interest to the United States. Their task is to enslave entire countries and peoples, imposing mega-projects-traps that supposedly ensure the acceleration of development, but in fact turn into the inclusion of once sovereign states in the new global empire. In the book-confessions, which has become a bestseller in the United States and Europe, John Perkins reveals the secret springs of world economic policy, explains the strange "coincidences" and "accidents" of recent times that have dramatically changed our lives. The book is intended for a wide range of readers who are interested in the burning problems of the modern world.

New Confessions of an Economic Killer

In The New Confessions of an Economic Killer, Perkins details how he and others like him did their jobs. Perkins himself was in charge of loans: his job was to persuade strategically important states to borrow huge sums of money for large-scale "scientific and technological" projects aimed at supporting the interests of the richest people, while plunging countries into poverty and debt. And the greater the country's debt, the easier it is to control it.

The book is supplemented with documentary evidence of the activities of " economic killers "for the period 2004-2015, as well as a scandalous section that now the methods of" economic killers " are used much more actively than ever-even in America itself. The new material is dedicated to the following countries: Seychelles, Honduras, Ecuador, Libya, Turkey, Vietnam, China, the United States and Western Europe.

Fear and debt - that's what the system of economic murder is built on. We are intimidated to pay any money, to get into any debts. The system of economic assassinations – the fictitious economy, bribes, surveillance, fraud, debt, coups d'etat, assassinations, abuse of military force-has become the dominant economic, state, and social system.

John Perkins was the first to talk about the monstrous cynicism of the secret operations of the secret services and the oligarchic clans of America, which they are turning around the world. According to the degree of importance of the schemes disclosed by him, modern whistleblowers – Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, who are now being hunted by the US special services, are on a par with him.

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