Geniuses of power (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill) in 3 volumes. Leather-bound gift books

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Geniuses of power (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill) in 3 volumes. Leather-bound gift books. "Stalin" - the book describes the biography of the creator of the USSR. It was written by Svyatoslav Rybas, a famous historical writer who highlights various aspects of Stalin's personality and activities in his work. The book examines in detail the daily practice of public administration, the struggle for leadership in the Soviet elite, as well as the nature of the victories and defeats of the USSR. The author shows how international rivalry influenced the domestic politics of the country, and reveals Stalin's personal life. In addition, the book presents historical and political portraits of other historical figures such as Nicholas II, S. Y. Witte, P. A. Stolypin, V. I. Lenin, L. D. Trotsky, F. Roosevelt, W. Churchill, Mao Zedong, I. Broz Tito, A. Hitler and others. This allows us to see the overall picture of the development of world history and makes it possible to compare Stalin with other leaders. "Roosevelt" - this book tells about the life and work of one of the most influential presidents of the United States - Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The author of the book is Georgy Chernyavsky, Doctor of Historical Sciences, who used a huge range of literature and American archival materials in his work. This made it possible to create a detailed and objective description of Roosevelt's life and work, as well as answer questions that still remain open. The book tells how Roosevelt led the United States out of the Great Depression, led the country during World War II and turned it into an influential member of the world community. The book pays special attention to Roosevelt's personality, his contradictory character traits, such as a sentimental belief in goodness and justice, selfishness, prudence and willingness to make sacrifices. The book also tells about Roosevelt's personal relationships with other politicians such as Stalin and de Gaulle, and how he

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