Irving stone - the agony and the ecstasy (set of 2 books). Gift book bound in leather.

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Irving stone - the agony and the ecstasy (set of 2 books). Deluxe edition bound in leather.

Irving stone is one of the most prominent figures of American literature, the writer who created the genre of "literary biography". Creating works on the life of great men, the writer relied primarily on the facts, gathering information from reliable sources, rejecting various conjectures. Mastery of the style allowed the stone to avoid a dry presentation of the facts, and the genre romanized biography has gained well-deserved popularity among readers.

This book is about geniuses. Michelangelo. Sculptor, painter, architect, poet, favourite of the muses and... convict of inspiration. He was arguing with Leonardo, some of the more difficult art - sculpture or painting, thanks to jealousy and the machinations of Raphael was commissioned to paint the Sistine chapel. Four years - and the dispute is won, or rather, had no nothing to prove.
What is human life - the agony and the ecstasy... What is the life of an Artist? Probably the same thing, only more. The difficulties of life had a huge impact on his perception of life: the tragic awareness of the imperfections of life and faith in the harmony of the universe. The infinite loneliness of the man and the unearthly joy of victory...
He worked to oblivion, forgetting everything. While on an 18-metre woods, he is pulled away to look at crime and... of course, it fell, because even geniuses can fly only in the imagination.
Book by Irving stone, perhaps the most accurate and heartfelt restoration of the life of the great master, written by a great artist of words.

Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


The quality and the color, design, embossing, flyleaf, and a shotgun you can choose and book individually!



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