Nikola Tesla-Articles. Diaries. Lectures. Patents (collection in 4 volumes). Gift books bound in leather

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Nikola Tesla-Articles. Diaries. Lectures. Patents (collection in 4 volumes). Gift books bound in leather.

Books in a gift case made of genuine leather.


1) Patents. "The master of the universe", "the man from the future", the initiator of the world information and energy systems are not metaphors of a science fiction writer, all these definitions refer to Nikola Tesla, primarily an engineer, scientist, inventor. Perhaps there is no such specialist in the world whose works are so in demand and relevant to the present time and will serve humanity for many more years. This is an alternating current system, almost all types of alternators and motors, gas-discharge lamps, high-voltage converters, resonant systems, radio communications, radio control, information coding and much more, to which we owe Nikola Tesla.

During his many years of creative life, Tesla has patented more than 300 inventions in different countries. And today, for the first time, the reader can get acquainted with them in Russian. The characteristic features of his patents are their practical orientation and feasibility. Perhaps the extreme thoroughness of the descriptions and the ornate formulas of the inventions will irritate readers. It is also possible that readers who represent Tesla as a kind of magician who possessed the secret of controlling the energy of space, moving in time and space, will be disappointed to see in the patents a description of such mundane and even easily implemented devices and methods. The specialist will be surprised by the abundance of technical solutions that have become classic, and a large stock of technical solutions that are still waiting for their realization and application. Such inventions include, for example, a receiver of "radiant energy". Until now, we do not know anything definite about the principle of its operation, perhaps it meant a converter of energy generated by cosmic rays.

Despite the strict canons of the patent office, the spirit of that time and the character of this mysterious scientist and inventor are manifested through the text and illustrations of patents. Unfortunately, we are not yet familiar with patent materials or other significant documents related to the most mature period of his activity, which led to the emergence of many legends, not always justified. But time and the desire for knowledge, let's hope, will allow us to get into the creative laboratory of an experimental scientist. Lectures: Here, reader, is the second book, published for the first time in Russian, consisting of six lectures and two speeches by Nikola Tesla, delivered by him in the most prestigious scientific and educational institutions of America, England, France.

Stunning natural data, an unquenchable desire for knowledge, a keen interest in everything that the world is so rich in, constant self-improvement made Nikola Tesla a unique personality whose inventive talent and visionary ideas have yet to be truly appreciated by future generations.

2) Lectures and speeches are read with great interest, because they give an opportunity to get to know Nikola Tesla as a great scientist, a deep philosopher and an original linguist. Diaries: The book is a working diary of Nikola Tesla, which contains an exhaustive description of scientific research in the period from June 1, 1899 to January 7, 1900. The author carefully recorded all the experimental data, perhaps fearing that the laboratory might burn down as a result of working with powerful electrical discharges.

Judging by the records, the scientist devoted a lot of time to transmitting and receiving devices, made measurements of electromagnetic radiation of electric discharges in nature, outlined his own theory of the formation of ball lightning and could create them on his installations. From June 1899 to July 1900, Tesla applied for 7 patents and published an article "The problem of increasing the energy of mankind", which was a conglomerate of ideas, views and conclusions formed after working in Colorado.

3) Articles. For the first time in Russian, a book of articles by Nikola Tesla, a famous inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, but at the same time, perhaps, the most mysterious scientist of the late XIX - early XX century, is published. Most of the articles that made up the collection were published during Tesla's lifetime in various newspapers and magazines in the United States, where he lived for many years.

4) Nikola Tesla's diaries in Serbian were published in 1976-on the 120th anniversary of his birth and aroused great interest among the public. In 1978, revised and supplemented, they were published in English also in Belgrade. This book is the first translation of Diaries into Russian from English.

Many secrets were left behind by N. Tesla, which have yet to be penetrated by inquisitive minds.

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