The great journey. A series of 50 books. Deluxe edition

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"Great journeys" Series (of 50 books). Deluxe edition bound in leather.

Great journeys - a series of gift editions of the greatest, longest and most adventurous journey.
The books contain a large number of color and black-and-white illustrations.


List of books:

1. Christopher Columbus - "Travel. Diaries"
2. Nikolay Przhevalsky - "Travels in Central Asia"
3. Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay - "Journey to the Shore of Maclay"
4. James cook - "First circumnavigation"
5. Marco Polo "book of the wonders of the world"
6. Afanasiy Nikitin - "Journey beyond three seas"
7. Fridtjof Nansen - "FRAM" in the polar sea"
8. Antonio Pigafetta - "Magellan Travel"
9. Charles Darwin - "around the world in the ship "Beagle"
10. Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky - "journey to the Tien Shan"
11. Ivan Kruzenshtern - "the First Russian voyage around the world"
12. Henry Morton Stanley - "In the wilds of Africa"
13. Nicholas Roerich "Shambala. The Heart Of Asia"
14. Robert Peary, Roald Amundsen - "the North pole. South pole"
15. Ferdinand Wrangel - a Journey across Siberia and Arctic sea
16. Alfred Edmund Brehm - "Journey to Africa"
17. Stepan Krasheninnikov "the Description of Kamchatka"
18. Stepan Makarov - "Yermak" in the ice"
19. Fabian Gottlieb Von Bellingshausen "Discovery Of Antarctica"
20. Vasco da Gama - "Travel to India"
21. Gombojab tsebekovich Tsybikov "the Buddhist pilgrim at the Holy places of Tibet"
22. David Livingstone - "the diaries of the Explorer of Africa"
23. Robert Falcon Scott - "the Diary of a polar captain"
24. Roald Amundsen - "My life. South pole"
25. V. A. Obruchev "Journey through Central Asia. A trip to Siberia"
26. Robert Edwin Peary - "On the big ice. North pole"
27. Ivan Goncharov - The Frigate Pallada". Travel diary trip around the world"
28. Alexander von Humboldt - "Second discovery of America"
29. Vitus Bering - "Kamchatka expedition"
30. Vasily Golovnin "memoirs of captain of the fleet"
31. Dmitry Yanchevetsky - "the walls motionless China"
32. M. P. Lazarev - "Three trips around the world"
33. P. K. Kozlov, "Tibet and the Dalai Lama. The dead city of Khara-Khoto"
34. Fyodor Litke - "the voyage of captain of the fleet Fyodor Litke around the world and across the Arctic ocean"
35. Otto Kotzebue - "Travel around the world"
36. Jean Francois La Perouse - the "Journey around the world on the "Boussole" and "Astrolabe"
37. Grigory Grumm-grzhimaylo - "By steps "to God's throne"
38. Giovanni del PLANO Carpini, William de Rubruck - Travel "the Golden Horde"
39. Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin, Alexandra Viktorovna Potanina "Siberia. Mongolia. China. Tibet. Journey of a lifetime"
40. Heinrich Schliemann - "The Gold Of Troy. Autobiography"
41. Thor Heyerdahl - "Kon-Tiki"
42. Vitaly Volovich - "the Polar diaries of a member of the secret polar expeditions 1949-1955 gg."
43. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Yves Pakkale, Vladimir Shcherbakov - "In search of Atlantis"
44. Gusev A. M. - "From El'brus to Antarctica"
45. Thor Heyerdahl - "Aku-aku. The mystery of Easter island"
46. N. Urvantsev - "Two years at the Northern Land"
47. Fridtjof Nansen - "On skis across Greenland. The life of the Inuit."
48. Nicholas Roerich's "Altai-Himalaya"
49. N. M. Przhevalsky - "journey to the lop Nur and Tibet"
50. Fridtjof Nansen - "In the land of ice and night."



Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


Skin color, unique design, stamping, flyleaf bleed, you can choose to order individually!!!

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850 000 руб