Edward Gibbon. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire (set of 7 books)

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Edward Gibbon. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire (set of 7 books). Deluxe edition bound in leather.

Edward Gibbon — English historian. The author of the "History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire."

The reader had the happy opportunity to meet a remarkable study - a multi-volume work of English historian E. Gibbon, the focus of which is the history of the Roman and Byzantine empires from the "Golden age" of the antonines to the fall of the Second Rome - Constantinople.

This edition is a monument of historical thought of two eras - the second half of the XVIII century, the century of the enlightenment, when created E. Gibbon and the nineteenth century, when he published his work with a review of another bright historian, a representative of French science by F. Guizot. This explains the cautious attitude of the new publishers as to the text of E. Gibbon, and text annotations by F. Guizot, as well as to the Russian edition of this work.


Volume 1
The first volume gained worldwide fame work of the English historian of the XVIII century dedicated to the period of Roman history from the age of the antonines to Constantine the Great enterprises of the Empire. It describes not only the life and activities of the emperors Marcus Aurelius, Caracalla, Eliogabalo; the author paints large-scale paintings of everyday life and mores of the Germans, the Persians, the Italians. Special attention is given to the "soldier emperors", the beginning of the invasions of the Germanic tribes and analysis of the collapse of the once-mighty power.
Volume 2
In the second volume of his monumental work of E. Gibbon refers to the violent history of the Roman Empire in the first half of the IV century. The author brilliantly describes the evolution of Christianity, the attitude of the Roman state, the reforms made by the emperors, and finally the triumph of the new religion. Under the pen of the historian to life the characters of Constantine the Great, his sons, the young Julian the Apostate, Arius, Athanasius of Alexandria - people that shaped the face of this difficult period of Roman history.
Volume 3
In the third volume of his monumental work of Edward Gibbon paints a vivid picture of the era that preceded the ultimate fall of the once mighty Roman Empire. Based on numerous writings of pagan and Christian writers of the IV-V centuries, the historian creates a true image of outstanding political, state and religious figures of the time, masterfully describes and domestic history of the Empire, and everyday life of the barbarians.
Volume 4
From the battle on the catalaunian plains and the death of Attila before the advent of the Lombard Kingdom in the land of Italy - this is the period of European history that became the subject of the fourth volume. The fall of the Roman Empire, its causes, the transfer of the center of life in the East, in Byzantium, the Emperor Justinian, his wife, parties of the circus, the Nika uprising, the construction, the war with the Persians and the barbarian kingdoms, colonization by the Germans of Britain are the main subjects of this book.
Volume 5
In the fifth volume of the work of the English historian the subject of his research is the heyday and qualitative changes in the history of Europe and the Mediterranean basin in the VI-VIII century, in the Reign of Justinian and the making of the arch of Roman law, the conquest of the Lombards of Italy and the wars of Byzantium with the Persians, the development of Christian doctrine and combating heresies, iconoclasm, Charlemagne's activity on the reconstruction of a vast Empire, the emergence of Muhammad and the birth of Islam, masterfully described by the author, show the reader the diversity of historical realities of the time.
Volume 6
In this volume E. Gibbon continues the reconstruction of large-scale paintings of European history, VII-XI centuries., showing the events and historical trends, which determined the further development of international relations and domestic history of the European States for the next several hundred years, the Arab conquest, the Crusades, invasions of the Normans on southern Europe and the formation of the Norman Kingdom, the appearance on the historical arena of the Seljuk Turks. He pays special attention to the history of the Slavs and Russia.
Volume 7
The last volume historical epic E. Gibbon devoted the final phase of the history of the Byzantine Empire, which ended with the fall of Constantinople and the conquest of Europe from Turkish invaders. Reflecting on the history of Byzantium and Rome, the author draws a broad picture of the tragic events of that time - the end of the Crusades, the Mongol invasion of the lands of Eastern Europe, the campaigns of Timur, civil strife in Italy - marking the end of the existence of a once terrible and of a great state.


Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


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