Vasily Klyuchevsky. Works in 9 volumes. Gift books bound in leather.

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Vasily Klyuchevsky. Works in 9 volumes. Deluxe edition bound in leather.
Vasily Osipovich KLUCHEVSKY — Russian historian, ordinary Professor of Moscow University, honored Professor of Moscow University; an ordinary academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on the history and antiquities of Russian, Chairman of the Imperial Society of history and Russian antiquities under the Moscow University, a privy councillor.
Volume 1
In the first volume of the Works of V. O. Klyuchevsky includes twenty lectures on "the Course of Russian history", which was the peak of his scientific creativity.
They highlight issues of historical methodology, the author, the outline of the course, the basic elements of the concept and the General periodization of Russian history.
The author paid great attention to the geography of the country and importance of environmental conditions in the history of its people. The narrative covers the earliest period of Russian history for the "specific century", and ends the XIV century.
Volume 2
This volume continues the publication of a major work of V. O. Klyuchevsky - the Course of Russian history.
It includes lectures from 21-th to 40-th, describing the development of the Russian state from the mid-fifteenth century until the XVI century.
Special attention is focused on the process of formation of the nobility and strengthening the Royal power, and converting the "Russia of the upper Volga" in "great Russia, Moscow".
Volume 3
This volume includes 18 lectures on "the Course of Russian history". The focus of the author of the XVII century - the period of formation of the Russian autocracy.
On AMISOM actual material characterized by Turmoil in Russia, shows the enslavement of the peasantry, described the background to the epoch of Peter I.
Sharp criticism of the author criticized the history of the Russian autocracy, headed by the house of Romanov.
Volume 4
In the fourth volume of the Works of V. O. Klyuchevsky includes sixteen lectures, "the Course of Russian history".
They are dedicated to two "eras" - Peter I and of Palace coups, 1725-1762 years.
On the periodization of the author of these "age" was included into the final period of Russian history - "the Russian Imperial nobility".
In lectures osnovnoe attention is paid to personality and critical analysis of the activities of Peter I reforms and their significance in enhancing the nobility of the state.
Volume 5
In the fifth volume of the works of V. O. Klyuchevsky concludes with the publication of his "Course of Russian history".
In the final part of the Course, consisting of twelve lectures, V. O. Klyuchevsky presents events from the reign of Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I and carried out their domestic policy.
Of great interest are placed in the review personal assessment of the kings that censorship conditions could not be published in the Course.
Volume 6
The famous "Course of Russian history" is not the only University course of V. O. Klyuchevsky.
It deepens and expands a series of special courses have their own significance.
In the sixth volume includes three such courses: "Methodology of Russian history", "Terminology of Russian history" and "History of estates in Russia."
Volume 7
The seventh volume continues the publication of the special courses of V. O. Klyuchevsky.
Here is printed the course "Sources of Russian history", source seminars on "Russian Truth" and "the Pskov Truth".
In the historiographical section is placed lectures on Russian historiography of the XVIII century, as well as materials on the history of historical science, starting with the so-called Varangian question and ending with a review of the historiography 1861-1893 years. the book includes essays by V. O. Klyuchevsky, of major historians of Russia: V. N. Tatishchevo, I. N., Baltina, N. M. Karamzin, M. P. Pogodin, T. N. The Granovsky, S. M. Solovyov, K. N. The Bestuzhev-Ryumin and the others.
Volume 8
In the present volume of the works of V. O. Klyuchevsky published his monographic studies published since the end of 1860-ies and the early twentieth century, on the basis of which is largely scientist created his "Course of Russian history".
These studies mainly focus on the socio-economic and political problems of Russian history of the XVI - beginning of XVIII century.
Volume 9
In nastasen volume publishes articles of V. O. Klyuchevsky in Russian culture and materials from the personal archive of the historian: letters to a young Kliuchevskoi, his journals and diary entries from 1861 to 1911, as well as aphorisms and thoughts about history from different years.

Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


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