Umberto Eco is the Name of the rose. Gift book bound in leather

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Umberto Eco is the Name of the rose. Gift book bound in leather

"The Name of the Rose" is a book with a riddle. At the beginning of the XIV century, shortly after Dante composed the "Divine Comedy", in the heart of Europe, the dead are found in a Benedictine monastery. Blood is being shed, the spheres of heaven are opening up. A series of crimes reproduces not an English rite of passage, but the heralds of the Apocalypse. The detective, of course, is an Englishman. He resembles Sherlock Holmes, and his young student is Dr. Watson. In the rigid construction of the detective there is a place for bright facts of the history of the Middle Ages, and roll calls with the history of the twentieth century, and stories about religious conflicts and riots, and a touching story about love, and a lot of new riddles that we, readers, are in a hurry to solve, but the cunning author invariably beats us... Right up to the paradoxical and terrible ending.

The philosophical and detective novel "The Name of the Rose", written in 1980, became the debut for the Italian philosopher and historian Umberto Eco. The subtle, intelligent and at the same time exciting work immediately earned high critical acclaim and widespread love of readers, which does not weaken even after more than 30 years.

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