The lives of the saints St. Demetrius of Rostov in 12 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

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The lives of the saints St. Demetrius of Rostov in 12 volumes. Deluxe edition bound in leather

The Saint Dimitry Rostovsky (Tuptalo) (1651-1709), Metropolitan of Rostov and Yaroslavl — the preacher and religious writer, author of the famous "Lives of the saints" (Lives of the saints). Hagiography of St. Demetrius is the largest and most famous collection of lives of Orthodox saints, which lasted nearly twenty years. The work of Metropolitan Demetrios written in Church Slavonic language, was published in four volumes, the first book was published in Kiev in 1689 the lives of the saints were located on dates of religious holidays began in September, with the beginning of the Indiction — Church new year.

Lives of the saints Demetrius of Rostov has withstood many reissues, including in our time. This edition contains a careful translation of the lives of Orthodox saints in the Russian language. The lives are located at the new style for the convenience of the modern reader. Date of memory of saints and Holy days listed as on the new and old style.
The twelve volume study perfectly illustrated. It contains up to 1000 images of Orthodox shrines. Among these icons, mosaics, frescoes, miniatures, manuscripts, temples, etc. the Study of the lives of the saints is a centuries — old school of practice the Christian faith. Reading them, we learn love, mercy, serving God and neighbor in the examples of the life and deeds of saints. This multi-volume work Dimitry of Rostov was created over many years and to this day has been reissued and serves as a source of spiritual enlightenment.


Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


Skin color, unique design, stamping, flyleaf bleed, you can choose to order individually!!!

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178 000 руб