Oles Gonchar. Collected works in 5 volumes

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Oles Gonchar. Collected works in 5 volumes


Oles Gonchar, full name Alexander T. Potter — Ukrainian Soviet writer, publicist and public figure. One of the largest representatives of Ukrainian artistic prose of the second half of the twentieth century. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Volume 1.
The first volume of the collected works amounted to three parts of the famous novel "Bearers" ("Alps", "the Blue Danube", "Golden Prague") and five stories, written in the same years and in line with the main theme of the trilogy.
Volume 2.
A novel by Oles Honchar "the Earth hums" (originally called "Undefeated Poltavchanka", 1947) tells of the true events, about real people - young Poltava underground. The story still reads as one of the most interesting artistic documents reflecting the struggle of the people's Avengers with the German invaders during the great Patriotic war. Roman "Tavria" (1952), also included in this volume, tells the story of Ukrainian laborers in the South of Ukraine in pre-revolutionary years.
Volume 3.
Roman "Perekop" (1957) Oles Gonchar completes the dialogue about revolution and civil war in the South of Ukraine. Many of the characters from "Tavria" continues his literary life in this work of the writer. In the plot outline of the novel organically interwoven with documentary evidence, historical figures - Frunze, Voroshilov, Budyonny.
The other two stories, "Mykyta Bratus" (1950) and "Let off light" (1954) -dedicated to our contemporaries, their peaceful creative labor. It is interesting to note that the main character of the story "Mykyta Bratus" had its prototype in real life. A former Chairman of the collective farm named after Ordzhonikidze under Nikopol Mikita Ivanovich Gordienko, who was on friendly terms writer.
Volume 4.
In the novel "Man and weapons", awarded in 1962, the Republican prize. T. G. Shevchenko, Oles Gonchar again, after the "Bearers" returned to the theme of the Patriotic war, bright vysvetlit the nobility of the Soviet people, the beauty of his soul, loyalty to the homeland. And in 1970 appeared the novel "Cyclone" is a logical continuation of "Man and weapons": the hero Bogdan Kolosovskiy, a volunteer student battalion, in the new work - filmmaker, creating a film about the war. Thus, the composite Cyclone is based on the meeting of past and present. This multifaceted novel is mostly devoted to the feat of the Soviet people during the war years, the continuity of the heroic traditions of the struggle for peace on earth.
Volume 5.
"Tronka" brought O. Gonchar wide readers ' recognition and highest literary award - the Lenin prize (1964). The novel attracts with a magnitude of the depicted events and the most popular one piece characters, the sincerity of the narrative, originality of form and style.
"Tronka" is translated into many languages. It is interesting the fact that in Bulgaria, the novel was found among his readers of the most popular product in 1965.
In addition to "Trance" in the fifth volume contains short stories and literary articles written by O. Gonchar in different years.

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