Peter Lukimson - Collection in 3 volumes (Moses, King David, King Solomon). Gift books bound in leather

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Peter Lukimson - Collection in 3 volumes (Moses, King David, King Solomon). Gift books bound in leather.

Pyotr Yefimovich Lukimson is an Israeli Russian—speaking writer and journalist. Author of a number of fiction and popular science books published in Russia and Israel. His historical essays and stories devoted to biblical history have become widely known among the Israeli public. He became widely known as a master of political interviewing, as well as as the author of a number of investigative journalism and criminal essays that attracted the attention of Israeli society.

King David

The book is about the legendary biblical king David - an outstanding poet, warrior, statesman, revered by all three world religions as a prophet. The author explores his complex, eventful life on the basis of the Biblical text, little-known Jewish and Christian sources and historical research. As a result, the reader is confronted with an internally contradictory person who has experienced a lot on the path of transformation from a simple shepherd into a brilliant commander and a great monarch. Modest, but convinced of his high vocation, gentle and cruel, prone to sinful passions and sincerely penitent, deeply religious and devoted to God, David was destined to found a dynasty with which Judaism and Christianity link the future of humanity.

King Solomon

The book is an attempt to reconstruct the era and biography of the biblical king Solomon — the hero of numerous apocrypha, legends and fairy tales. Based on the works of theologians and historians and recent archaeological discoveries, the author not only summarizes the various points of view on the personality of King Solomon, but also presents his view of his controversial figure as a statesman, builder of the Jerusalem Temple, poet and philosopher. At the same time, the book contains a retelling of a significant part of the legends about King Solomon with an attempt to analyze what real facts and historical events could form their basis. The publication is intended for both secular and religious readers interested in the Bible and ancient history.


The book tells about the biblical prophet Moses, the lawgiver and leader of the Israeli people, to whom God revealed the secrets of existence: Creation of the world and man. Its pages summarize all the versions that exist today about the exodus of the Israeli tribes from Egypt, including historical works, Bible studies and Jewish sources that are almost unknown to the general reader. Following the historian P. Johnson, who believed that "inventing the figure of Moses is an impossible task for the human mind," the author treats his hero as a real person and a true leader of the nation. The clash of different, sometimes directly opposite, points of view on the events of the prophet's life makes the book interesting for both a deeply religious reader and a convinced atheist.

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